Submit a complaint
If you wish to submit a complaint to NCP Denmark, please send an email to:
Complaints can be submitted in English or Danish. Please contact the secretariat regarding other languages and possibilities of translation and interpretation.
Your complaint must contain the following information:
Your name and contact information
Name, address, and other relevant information regarding the company, authority or organization that you are submitting a complaint about
A description of the event or conduct are you complaining about
Documentation that supports your complaint
Whether you are submitting the complaint on behalf of yourself or other impacted parties
Please be aware of the following:
The complaint cannot be made anonymously. However, if necessary, NCP Denmark can anonymise the complaint towards other parties. If you fear reprisals from a complaint, please contact the secretariat for more information
The incident must have taken place within the last five years
Template for submission of complaint
Compulsory information
Information about the complainant
Phone number
Contact information for the complainant (if the complainant is a group)
Phone number
If you complain on behalf of others
Have you had contact with the offended i.e. the person or group of people whose rights have been violated, e.g. a local contact?
Do you have a mandate from the offended to proceed with this case on their behalf?
Information on the company responsible for the incident (the respondent)
If the complaint concerns a subsidiary or the like
Name of subsidiary
Address of subsidiary
Relation between the subsidiary and the parent company (if possible)
The complaint
Describe what has happened in as specific and detailed terms as possible
Describe the practice you object to and the company’s role in it
Where and when has the offence occurred?
The complaint must be supported by facts. This means that the complaint must contain a description of what happened and the company’s role in the incident. Refer to documentation you attach when useful. Based on your description the Mediation and Complaints-Handling Institution decides whether the complaint falls within the OECD Guidelines.
Please attach documentation, reports, witness statements and other types of information that supports the complaint and send it to the Mediation and Complaints-handling Institution.
The complaint must be supported by appropriate documentation. This must be as specific and precise as possible. It is not sufficient to refer to a TV documentary or newspaper article alone, but you may include these as part of the documentation.
Supplementary information
The following information is not required for submission but the Mediation and Complaints-Handling Institution kindly ask you to provide it to the best of your ability, such that the Institution can deal with your complaint in the best possible way.
Your interest in the case
Anyone can submit a complaint without necessarily having an interest in the case
If you do have an interest in the case, please describe it
What is of particular importance to you?
If your organization has complained on behalf of others
How would you describe your organization's mandate to represent the offended in this case?
About the complaint
Which provisions in the OECD Guidelines have in your opinion been violated?
What do you wish to obtain with the complaint?
If you have tried to deal with the problem in other forums
Please describe where and how
Give a description of any measures that have been initiated because of this
If possible, provide documentation such as meeting minutes or the like
About the contact with the respondent
Have you contacted the company you are complaining about?
If yes
Please describe what happened and what the results were
If possible, please provide documentation such as meeting minutes or the like
Any other information you find relevant
Please describe and document to the extent possible, any other information, you believe is relevant to the case.
Do you have any questions?
You are welcome to contact NCP Denmark for advice and guidance. You can also choose to contact NCP Denmark anonymously.
NCP Danmark
Langelinie Allé 17
2100 Copenhagen Ø